Mother Patricia D. Lofton

Mother Patricia D. Lofton is the daughter of the late Elder D. C. David and Mother Mae Liza David.  She is a native of Hamlet, North Carolina, and is a 1966 graduate of Monroe Avenue High School in Hamlet.  Upon graduation, she attended Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, North Carolina.


Being raised in a Christian home by her parents, she was taught the way of holiness.  She soon accepted Jesus as her personal Savior and was later baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.


Married to Deacon Archie Lofton, she is the mother of one child, Mrs. Vondra Leak of Lincolnton, North Carolina, and is the proud grandmother of three young adult grandchildren and has three great-grandchildren.


For over 46 years, Mother Lofton has been a dedicated member of Faith Temple Church of God in Christ in Wilmington, North Carolina.  Throughout the years, she has served in numerous capacities. Currently, she serves as Administrative Assistant to the Pastor, Elder Lorenzo Edge and Local Church Mother.


A licensed Evangelist Missionary of the Church of God in Christ for many years and loyally supporting the work of Christ, she was appointed as District Missionary of the Greater Wilmington District in 1985.  While working faithfully on the local and District levels, her labor did not go unnoticed.  Under the leadership of Bishop C. E. Anderson, Sr. and Mother Mary Eva Bennett of the North Carolina 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, she was appointed as Jurisdictional Minister of Music, President of the Jurisdictional Missionary Circle and, at the recommendation of Mother Bennett and blessings from Bishop Anderson, she was installed as Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor.  In January 2005, after the demise of Mother Bennett, Mother Lofton was consecrated and officially installed as the Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women for the North Carolina Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.


Mother Lofton has evangelized all across the United States, conducting revivals and facilitating workshops.  She is an encourager, motivator and is willing to “do what she has to do” to reach the lost.  Noted community activities include,


In 2002, established and instructed a Community Bible Study held weekly at the YWCA.

Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard: assisting in the collection of non-perishable items to be distributed to the homeless and less fortunate citizens of New Hanover County and surrounding areas.

Served as a “Mother of the Year” speaker, Music Coordinator and as a member of the New Hanover County NAACP.

Certified AIDS Awareness Instructor for the American Red Cross.  Served on the “Cure AIDS of Wilmington” planning committee for the Annual Community Revival and AIDS Awareness week.

Recipient of many certificates and awards to include but not limited to: Volunteer Appreciation Award from Mrs. Melinda Blue, founder and director of Cure AIDS of Wilmington, the State of NC Outstanding Volunteer Award from Governor Jim Hunt, and Outstanding Citizen Award from Mayor Don Betz.

Appeared as a lead singer of church choir in the movie entitled “Waterproof” in her city, starring Burt Reynolds.

With over 40 years in the Ministry, Mother Lofton has been commissioned by God, empowered by the Holy Spirit and committed to “work the Work” of Him who has called her to the Kingdom for such a time as this.


My goal for the Department of Women is to continue to support the vision of our Bishop and to empower, motivate and inspire each woman to realize her true value and reach her fullest potential in life, both spiritually and naturally.

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