Marriage Ministry

Supt. Darryell W. Bass
Marriage Ministry Director

First Lady Karen Bass
Marriage Ministry Director
Superintendent Darryell & First Lady Karen Bass are the Senior Pastors of Redeeming Love Word Ministries, Inc. located in High Point, NC. They both attended N.C. A&T State University where they met and married as college sweethearts. Prior to Pastoring in 2007 they both served over 20 years as faithful members under the leadership of the late Bishop Otis Lockett Sr. During that time they held various leadership positions such as Netcare Leaders, Marriage Ministry Instructors, Encounter Coordinators and Administrative Assistants at Evangel Christian Center (Church St). In addition, Superintendent and First Lady Bass have over 20 years of service as Marriage Workshop facilitators. Since 2008 they have sponsored Marriage Retreats throughout North Carolina and South Carolina. Superintendent and First Lady Bass currently serve as the Marriage Enrichment Coordinators for the North Carolina Second Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop Stenneth E. Powell Sr.
Superintendent and First Lady Bass have been married for over 28 years and are the proud parents of two daughters, Charisma and Charity.
Vision of Marriage Enrichment Department:
The NC Second Marriage Enrichment Department exist to promote the growth and development of strong marriages through biblical principles.
Mission/Objective: The Marriage Enrichment Department will provide annual retreats that will promote biblical marital wholeness as well as regional workshops to strengthen and encourage couples.

Dr. Rozario L. Slack & Dr. Angela Slack
Marriage Ministry Director
Rozario L. Slack is the founder of The Legacy Campaign, where he trains people to develop healthy, marital, family, and dating relationships. Dr. Slack also is the co-author of Basic Training for Couples, a black marriage curriculum featured on CNN’s Black in America 2. His relationship counsel and advice have been published in Essence, Ebony, and Black Enterprise magazines. Dr. Slack received his M Div (1993) and D. Min (2003) degrees from C.H. Mason Theological Seminary at the ITC in Atlanta. In 1993, he received the Bishop J. O. Patterson Sr. Leadership Award. In 2008, Dr. Slack received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from C.H. Mason Theological Seminary.
Dr. Slack is the Director of Men’s Ministry International Sunday School Department’s Sunday School University and has written for the COGIC Sunday School Interpretative Expository Commentary. He currently serves as Editor of the YPWW topics.
Dr. Rozario L. Slack is the pastor of Temple of Faith Deliverance Church of God in Christ in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and District Superintendent of the Southern District, He is the COO of Tennessee Eastern First Jurisdiction, where Bishop Felton M. Smith, Jr. is the Jurisdictional Prelate. Dr. Slack travels extensively to preach and conduct seminars in the areas of marriage, fathering, and other family issues.
Doctor Angela Slack is the founder of Get Charmed, a charm school for girls. She has been practicing medicine for more than 25 years and oversees one of Chattanooga’s few Night Clinics for children. She is a very active leader of the women and youth of her church. Although a very busy Chattanooga pediatrician, Dr. Angela Smith-Slack, has assisted her husband in the development of a ten-session guide called 10 Great Dates for Black Couples. Based on the award-winning program, 10 Great Dates, by David and Claudia Arp. The DRS. Slack provided technical assistance for The US Office of Family Assistance Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood grantees nationwide for many years. They presented seminars and training workshops for community and faith-based organizational leaders for over a decade at the International Smart Marriages Conference.
The Slacks have been in ministry together for 22 years and lead the Marriage and Singles Ministries at their local church. They have been married for over 31 years and are the proud parents of three children: Will. Pamela and Taylor.

(919) 231-4388
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